Sunday, May 25, 2008 webshop pays out £29.31

We have just received a cheque for £29.31 as commission from 12 purchases made through our webshop over the past few months.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cubs: Tracking Signs & NCM photos

Two new albums of photos are now available in our Photo Gallery of recent Cubs events: the Tracking Signs pack night and the day trip to the National Coal Mining Museum.

Monday, May 12, 2008

easyfundraising - cheque received

We are now in receipt of our fourth cheque, for £26.60, from our EasyFundraising webshop. As some of you will remember, this shop pays commission quarterly, posting a cheque a month or so after the end of each quarter. This payment results from purchases and EasySearch web searches made between January and March 2008.

Some interesting statistics, we now have 16 Registered Members in our EasyFundraising shop, and there have been 1,299 Completed Searches, generating £9.51 for Crofton Scout Group funds, through use of EasySearch.

Friday, May 09, 2008

CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA - final total

All monies are now in following the recent charity events in which our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts took part. Many thanks to Kaa, who not only had the idea but has also handled the administration and collection of sponsor money. The Beavers raised £174 and beween them the Cubs and Scouts collected £483.65, making a magnificent total of £657.65.

Resulting from this we are delighted to pass on cheques to the CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA charity for £335, with the remaining £322.65 being retained for Group Funds.

Some of this money has been used to purchase a new events shelter, which all sections will benefit from.

The young people who took part in these events are looking forward to receiving their key rings, baseball caps and other goodies which are being given as rewards by the charity organisers.