Tuesday, July 16, 2019

September Crofton Beacon Article

The summer break is the time when traditionally Scouting Leaders take a well-earned break from organising
and facilitating challenging, exciting and stimulating activities. So now is an ideal time to thank them all for
doing exactly that and to thank them in advance for the forthcoming year’s programme. Crofton Scout Group is
a well-established and popular group, with some members staying with the group all the way from the Beaver
Colony through to the Scout Troop and other members joining at different points along their scouting journey.
Everyone is welcome to join us, irrespective of gender, need or cultural background and we aim to ensure the
movement is open and accessible to all and that people are treated equally and with respect. We are an
inclusive Group which embraces diversity and shares the Scouting Association’s vision that “Scouting is an
inclusive, values based movement and membership is open to all those who share our fundamental values”.
Adult volunteers  play a vital group in ensuring the success of the group; from the Scout Leaders and their
Assistants  who help to deliver the programme of camps, narrowboat trips and (the ever popular) wide
games each week,  to our executive committee members including Diane, who is a whizz at completing
yet another grant application form to help fund the activities we provide,  to Julie our Treasurer who ensures
we keep all the group’s finances in order and spend that money wisely!
We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds and experiences; from people who are able to offer their support
every week to help run the amazing camps to others who can offer an hour from time to time to help support
the fundraising needed to ensure the group’s ongoing success. If you are interested or would just like more
information,  or if you support a young person who would like to come and try Scouting for themselves please
email info@croftonscouts.org.uk  and we will ensure the right person  gets back to you. 

Yours in scouting
Joanna Burton

Crofton Scout Group Secretary 

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Hello all
The 2nd Wakefield ( Crofton) scout group Annual General Meeting including bring a grown-up to scouts night is scheduled for 7pm Thursday 13th June 2019, to be held at The Sidings in Crofton.
Members of the Scouting  Association , parents/carers of current or previous members and members of the general public are welcome! 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Crofton beacon article

Crofton beacon article December

It’s a few weeks away from Christmas as I write this quick message from 2nd Wakefield (Crofton) scout group. By the time you read it, we will be a few weeks on and looking to the New Year! 
And that’s how quick scouting time flies-in our scout group we have leaders that started to volunteer when their children had just started in Beavers ( our youngest section) and are still volunteering their valuable time long after their young Beaver has moved through the Cubs and Scouts sections and left the group to put all those invaluable life skills into practice. 

It is truly rewarding to see our young members utilise the survival skills, friendships and knowledge they develop in scouting in their day to day young adult life. Still able to smile whilst striking camp in the snow or hiking through a muddy field in the middle of winter? Might not seem a skill that can be utilised in adult life but it helps develop team building skills, enables them to support others in difficult situations and build emotional resilience!

We have three active sections in our group and if you know a young person between 6-14 who would like to join the adventure and see what striking a camp in the snow is actually like then please emailinfo@croftonscouts.org.uk and I will gladly put you in touch with the relevant section leader. 
And if you are a little older and have an hour or two ( or more!) and would like to join as a volunteer then please drop me an email at the same address. 

So from this scout group secretary who started 10 years ago agreeing to volunteer with a bit of fundraising and has enjoyed watching  one scout utilise those  skills in adult life and who is about to see a second  scout soon leave Crofton and move onto Explorers
 ( the district sections for scouts aged 14-18) I would like to thank all our volunteers and wish them and you a happy healthy and peaceful 2019.
Yours in scouting
Joanna Burton
Crofton scout group secretary