Saturday, June 21, 2008

Camps and photos update


New pictures are available to view in our Photo Gallery from the Drum Hill Camp which took place over the Spring bank holiday weekend. Also Crofton Cubs recently spent an evening pond dipping.


Active Kids. This Sainsbury's promotion has now finished for this year. Thank you for all your vouchers. We have enough for two three-man tents and will be placing our order this week.


Many of our youngsters are on camp at Nostell this weekend which means that unfortunately we cannot attend the Crofton Carnival.
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Friday, June 06, 2008

Active Kids 08 - get 'em in!

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers have now finished, as of Wednedsay 4th June. May I on behalf of the Group thank all those people who have donated their vouchers, the current total stands at over 2700 vouchers. Last year's goodies can be seen here and this year we are hoping to have enough vouchers for a 5-man tent, so if you have any vouchers hiding in your wallets/purses that you wish to donate please get them in via the Leaders as soon as you can.