Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sainsburys Active Kids goodies

Here is a picture showing the goodies we received in exchange for the hundreds of Sainsburys Active Kids vouchers which we collected earlier this year. Once again, many thanks to all who contributed.

Second GiftAid claim

I have today posted off to Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs the claim for GiftAid relating to our 2006/07 tax year, which ended on 31st March. The claim is for £343.53 and is calculated as follows. Of the £1867 received in subs for the year we have GiftAid declarations covering £1218. This number is multiplied by 22, then divided by 78!

This is all thanks to the support of parents and relatives who have filled in and returned the yellow (sometimes!) GiftAid declaration forms, so give yourselves a pat on the back!

Regular readers may recall that we applied for GiftAid status almost a year ago when we learned how much the scheme could give back to Crofton Scouts. Our first claim, which was backdated as far back as 2001, relating to some of the young people who have been members of Crofton Scouts during that time, resulted in a payment of £200.85.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Scouts narrowboat weekend pictures

Our growing Scout section have taken part in some exciting weekend activities recently. In September they stayed overnight on Wakefield District's very own narrowboat - The Jubilee Venture. Pictures from this weekend are now available in our Gallery (click on the image above).

Then last weekend they had the opportunity to go caving at Great Douk & Little Douk Pot Holes in Cumbria, with an overnight camp at Great Tower Camp Site followed by a low level walk around Lake Windermere.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

AGM - Wednesday 10th October 7:30pm

You are cordially invited to Crofton Scout Group's Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 10th October at 7:30 p.m. - Venue: upstairs at The Royal Oak on Crofton High Street.

A full account of the financial year's income and expenditure will be presented, along with reports of the activities of each of the Sections.

So, set your video for Coronation Street and come and see us instead!