Saturday, February 28, 2009

easyfundraising cheque received

We have received a payment of £33.74 from our fundraising webshop with easyfundraising - follow this link for details of this facility. This payment relates to transactions made between October and December 2008, either from commission on sales or from easysearch web searches.

Did you know that if you use easysearch instead of Google or any other search engine and you can make a real difference to 2nd Wakefield Crofton Scout Group? By making just 10 searches a day with easysearch, you can raise around £20 a year. Why not encourage your friends, work colleagues, schools and family members to do the same. Click here to try it out. Better still, you can even easysearch directly from your browser.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where did all that mud come from?

The No-Nonsense Parents' Guide to Scouting.

Whether your child is already in Scouting or is considering joining, the Scout Association has put together some useful resources for parents which can be seen here. Some of the sections included are:

  • Parents’ frequently asked questions about Scouting
  • Parents’ family information form
  • Case studies relating some different experiences of parents who have enjoyed helping out
  • Adventure News - an offer to subscribe to a monthly e-mail newsletter giving you the best of Scouting stories and information.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Beaver programe

hi everyone, we seem to be going from strength to strength within our beaver colony, and we would like to let you all know what exciting things will be happening in our programme until the end of March, so here we go,

9th Feb,
we are working towards our air activities badge-making paper airoplanes and para shoots.

23rd Feb,
we are celebrating lord Baden-Powell's birthday along with otters, kits and badgers, so we are having a party (yay) with games and party food.

2nd March,
we are having a visit from our very own (Mr akala) who is a police officer, to have a chat with our beavers about anything they would like to talk about.

9th March,
we are working towards our Hobbies badge, so beavers will be talking about what hobbies or other activities they take part in other than scouting.

16th March,
we are making mothers day gifts and cards

22rd March,
we will be attending Crofton church for the mothers day service which was a real hit last year with the children and parents.

23rd March,
pond dipping at Winterset, details to be arranged

30th March,
Easter celebrations, making Easter goodies, and games

Also this year we are going to arrange a beaver sleep over, there will be beaver craft day, the beaver ball and a beaver fun day plus lots lots more to be added to our programme.

we would like to thank all leaders and parents who make all our activities run with great success so THANK YOU EVERYONE,

from badger, kit and otter