Hi all Cubs, parents and other interested parties ...
Here is a quick diary entry to tell you a little bit about the Cubs section and what we are up to this year. From now on you will hopefully get regular updates on our group and the exciting adventures we undertake.
Cubs usually meet on a Thursday night between 6.30pm and 8pm at Shay Lane Primary School and so far we have been on a nature walk in Haw Park Wood and a bat walk in Anglers Country Park as well as working toward our road safety badge and getting to know the local area. Coming up we have a First Aid course delivered by St. Johns Ambulance, a Cub camp, a visit to Wakefield fire station, a visit to the Library to work towards our IT badge, a Halloween party, a bonfire party with the Beavers and Scouts sections and a night hike in December.
So as you can see we keep busy with lots of fun things. We are also looking for more helpers/leaders so if you are interested in joining our group get in touch with Akela on 07534 228678. Every little bit of help is great, even if it's just the odd evening or the odd walk.
Yours in scouting,