Sunday, February 14, 2016

2nd Crofton Cubs

2nd Wakefield (Crofton)


The Cub Scouts is for boys and girls aged 8 - 10 ½ and offers a wide range of activities. It’s a great way for them to build their self-confidence and meet new friends.


The Cub Scout Pack usually meet indoors during the winter months and for the rest of the year we try to get out & about in parks and woodland.


Our Cub Scout meetings are planned to be exciting, challenging & rewarding, often noisy and always FUN!


Our programme to the Easter break includes working towards a musician and skills badge, first aid training, team games, Easter crafts, church visit, and a trip to the West Yorkshire Astronomy Society.


If you think your child might be interested, or you are interested in helping us as a parent helper or section assistant, please email us for details at the address below.



Yours In Scouting,

