2nd Wakefield Cubs have been given a once in a life time chance for up to three lucky Cubs to take an active part in
Live 07 at the
O2 Arena (previously know as the Millennium Dome) in
London towards the end of the year.
LIVE 07 is the festival of scouting to be held on Saturday 24th November 2007. It promises to be a fantastic showcase of everything which has made our centenary year special. Part of the programme will see 300 Cub Scouts taking part in special item to celebrate the fun and adventure which Cub Scouting represents. The Cub Scouts will be taken from Central, South and West Yorkshire.
More information can be found at:
The production team for the event is based here in Yorkshire and they are looking for up to three Cubs from each pack in the three counties to get involved.
What Skills do the Cub Scouts need?
The most important thing is that they are confident youngsters who can listen to and act on instructions. They will be taught to sing a song in the item but they do not need to be strong singers. They are particularly interested in youngsters who can confidently roller blade or do gymnastics. The chosen young people will need to be still in the Cub section in November.
What will taking part in the event involve?
There will be a small number of rehearsals for the event , which the Cubs will need to attend. The first one will be on the 15th May 6.30 – 8.00pm.
The evening will be used to give the Cub an idea of what is involved and also give the parents information about the project.
For the event itself, it is planned to provide coach transport down to the Arena for the cast of 300 along with supporting adult volunteers. The funding for this to happen has to be raised, and therefore a small amount of fundraising might be required.
What happens next?
If you’re Cub (from 2nd Wakefield Crofton) would like the chance to be in the cast, please e-mail your interest to or phone your section Leader by the 20th April, and asked they are put forward for consideration. At this date the Cub Leaders will then select three Cubs from the list, and this decision will be final. We wish we could select all of our Cubs, but unfortunately we can’t. Parents wishing to attend or any member who hasn't been selected will be able to purchase tickets very soon, see the above link for details.