The three months from
New Year have seen the Scouts learning and refreshing map skills. We have
concentrated on compass bearings and both 4 and 6 figure grid references. The
Scouts have also been completing the requirements necessary to gain their Emergency
aid Level 1and Level 2 badges. Dry evenings have allowed for two troop nights
to be spent at Sharlston Dam playing Wide Games. The Scouts have also been able
to enjoy a games evening.and a thought provoking finish to the Global Challenge
badge work, in which they had to consider to whom they would give a last
remaining Shelterbox.
We have camped on three
occasions in the last two months. The February chill did not put off a number
of scouts from attending the Winter Camp at Bradley Wood. The Wakefield
District Night Hike took place a week later. In March ten Scouts spent a
weekend on the narrow boat The Jubilee Venture. A good time was had by all
despite the water level on River Calder being too high to navigate at times.
Some time was spent at the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield.