Thursday, March 25, 2021

Hello to everyone from 2nd Wakefield (Crofton) scout group executive committee.

Due to ongoing national restrictions the group has been suspended since  early last year. This is disappointing for all of us as leaders and volunteers,  but of course especially for the young people who enjoy everything that scouting offers them. 
We recently held our much delayed AGM and sadly had to say goodbye to Mark and Julie Edwards (Chairperson and Treasurer respectively). After several years supporting the group they have made the decision to focus upon their other volunteering roles elsewhere. We are very grateful for everything they have done since joining the exec committee and wish them well. 
The group is  very much hoping to reopen later this year but to do so we must have all the necessary risk assessments  in place, know that the existing arrangements we have and the buildings we utilise still meet our needs and are safe and that everyone including adults and young people are able to meet safely and securely. 
To do so also means knowing we continue to have sufficient levels of adult volunteers and a treasurer in place to take over the management of our financial arrangements. If you would like to consider volunteering,  either helping the scout group leaders to be able to recommence  delivering stimulating, fun and diverse activities to the young people,  or as a member of the exec committee then please get in touch (email below). If you have any basic financial or accountancy  management  skills or know someone who may be interested then do please get in touch for more information or just for a chat to see if its something for you. Without a new treasurer in place we will not be able to pursue our plans to reopen the group and to not be able to continue to offer scouting to Crofton and its surrounding communities would be so disappointing for all of us.
It would be lovely to hear from you
Yours in scouting
Joanna Burton
Crofton Scout Group Secretary