Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Notice of Changes to Sub Payments

For those who missed it, here is an announcement from our Group Scout Leader, Chris Stead:

Crofton Scout Group is introducing a change to the way subs (membership fees) are collected.

Currently members pay £2 in coin each week of the school terms, amounting to £78 over 39 weeks. This way of collecting subs is very time consuming.

We would like to start to collect the SAME AMOUNT in total, but spread out in installments over the year. This would equate to £13 to be paid at the start of each half term (6 payments per school year).

This should bring about a number of benefits, including:

The scouting sessions will be able to start more promptly, without
the leaders having to chase coins around the school hall floor!
Save time changing money
Getting the subs into the bank will be more efficient
Section leaders will have less administration to worry about at the
end of their busy sessions
Less time chasing overdue Subs, for section Leaders
No need for parents to search for that £2.00 change every week
Less stress for Leaders during a busy session

We will implement theses changes after the Summer School Holiday i.e. when we resume in September. We apologise for the short notice. Preferred method of payment by CHEQUE made payable to "2ND WAKEFIELD CROFTON SCOUT GROUP" with your child's / children's name on the back. Alternatively CASH in a SEALED ENVELOPE, again CLEARLY MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME. The first payment is due week commencing 3rd September, so start saving your £2.00 through August!

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